PSI VUV About Database

Experimental ms-TPES 8.2-10.5 eV

Citation 10.1039/D1SC00654A
Type Mass-selected threshold photoelectron spectrum
Further references 10.1063/1.4984304
T / K 294
Source effusive
Resolution / meV 20
Flux normalization no
Comments Dicyclopentaidene in an effusive inlet.
Date & facility 2020/06 & SLS/VUV
Date entered 2022-09-19

X+ ground state simulation

Type Franck-Condon simulation
Further references Program: Gaussian 16rev. A.03 suite
T / K 50
Level of theory B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)
Convolution FWHM / meV 12
0-0 transition / eV 7.75
Comments FC simulation of dicyclopentadiene ground state
Date & facility 2021/03 & PSI Merlin 6
Date entered 2022-09-19